
Hi, I’m Margaret. My heritage is Northern Irish as far back as I’ve traced (the late 1600s); my family on both my mother’s and father’s side were all born or lived in counties Antrim and Down.

I’ve always been interested in family stories, our origins, and our geographical spread across the British Isles and beyond. As a child, I loved to absorb grown-up chatter, even when it was scandalous and I shouldn’t have been listening! I’m still nosy and love to chat with older relatives; I enjoy searching (online and in person) for family documents and photographs to digitize them for posterity. I’m a writer and I enjoy blogging, so I’m now the de facto family historian. We had little documented family information growing up, so this is my passion project to capture names, dates, places and stories of my family.

I update this site and the Jamison family tree as often as I can, which is never frequently enough! If you’d like to share information about the Jamison family or another family connected with them, please get in touch.

Copyright Notice

Most of the pictures displayed on this site belong to me or to family members; if you wish to use one, please contact me beforehand.